Babergh Green Councillors are delighted that the proposed plans for the development of Belle Vue House and the Old Swimming Pool site have been refused by the Planning Committee.
“The proposed plans, far from improving the historic townscape as Babergh Planning officers contended, would have seen a four-storey block of flats built on raised ground dominating the skyline,” says Councillor Robert Lindsay of Babergh Green Party. “It would have also caused even more traffic congestion to a town that is already suffering from unacceptable levels of traffic growth and pollution.”
Short sighted thinking
How this development would support the regeneration of Sudbury was unclear. “There is no provision in this development of 41 retirement flats for any affordable dwellings despite this being a site owned by the Council,” Robert adds.
The developer, Churchill Retirement Living, will not make any contribution to the Community Infrastructure Levy despite the Council having a regeneration plan for Sudbury.

A problem that doesn’t exist
“Sudbury, with its current and proposed level of residential development has a shortage of open space and this development will take more away,” Robert says. “The building of the development will result in the cutting down of several old trees including a 300-year-old yew tree which are irreplaceable. The debate about what to do with Belle Vue House and the Old Swimming Pool site has gone on for many years and what it demonstrates is the complete lack of creative thinking by the Council about how to use its assets for the benefit of residents.
“So obsessed has the Council been with finding a solution to the perceived problem of Belle Vue that it hasn’t pursued any other options to restore the house and improve open space provision for Sudbury residents. Selling the land to a developer is not the only solution.”
The future of Belle Vue House and the old swimming pool site remain unclear.