Laura Smith – Campaigner for Sudbury
I live in a small village with my son and work at a local primary school.
The Climate and Biodiversity crisis is the biggest challenge of our time, and the Green Party is the only political party to understand this reality.
Many of our so-called representatives do not understand the issues that face ordinary people. My child’s generation deserves to grow up in a world with the same opportunities as previous generations; we need to stop the erosion of public services and properly tackle the climate crisis to ensure a safe and fair society for the future.

Deborah Saw – Campaigner for North West Cosford I have lived in the area for 20 years. My whole working career has been spent in the marketing and communications industries and with colleagues I founded and built one of the UK’s most successful corporate communications agencies. Having sold the company, I have had time to focus on community issues such as the neighbourhood plan for our village and being responsible for media relations for Babergh Greens. We live in a beautiful place but if we want to ensure it has a sustainable future, we need new thinking and approaches. I believe the Green Party has the commitment to local democracy and accountability and the creativity and energy to ensure that future.

Ruth Hendry – Campaigner for Great Cornard

Jane Caruthers – Campaigner for Hadleigh

Simon Dowling – Campaigner for Hadleigh
Simon Dowling is a teacher and was previously a local councillor. He says, “I’m worried about our impact on our planet, and I’m strongly committed to leading a more sustainable way of life. We face a real and present climate emergency, so I want to work with the people of Hadleigh to find our best route through the crisis. If we work together, we can achieve a lot.”

Sallie Davies – Campaigner for East Bergholt

John Hopes – Campaigner for Hadleigh
I was born in north Essex and took a degree in Chemistry at Queen Elizabeth College London. This lead to an R&D career in the printing industry where I discovered a love of printing. I’ve been a life long appreciator of the beauty of Suffolk and since a child have cycled most of the rural roads here and in north Essex.
Coming from a working class family I know what it’s like to have little money despite having hard working parents. I am strongly committed to a sustainable society and social equality which I believe only the Green Party is working towards.
I also believe we need much better mental health provision especially with the growing concern of climate anxiety.