Laura Smith – Coordinator I live in a small village with my son and work at a local primary school. The Climate and Biodiversity crisis is the biggest challenge of our time, and the Green Party is the only political party to understand this reality. Many of our so-called representatives do not understand the issues that face ordinary people. My child’s generation deserves to grow up in a world with the same opportunities as previous generations; we need to stop the erosion of public services and properly tackle the climate crisis to ensure a safe and fair society for the future.

Deborah Saw – Media Officer I have lived in the area for 20 years. My whole working career has been spent in the marketing and communications industries and with colleagues I founded and built one of the UK’s most successful corporate communications agencies. Having sold the company, I have had time to focus on community issues such as the neighbourhood plan for our village and being responsible for media relations for Babergh Greens. We live in a beautiful place but if we want to ensure it has a sustainable future, we need new thinking and approaches. I believe the Green Party has the commitment to local democracy and accountability and the creativity and energy to ensure that future.

Ruth Hendry – Treasurer

Jane Caruthers – Electoral Returning Officer

Daniel Potter – Meeting Convener
I’m Daniel and have been a member of Babergh Green Party since joining last year and am involved with campaigns in the Shotley Peninsula area as well as active in the publication of the Orwell Ward Newsletter raising concerns on behalf of the public. I’ve been a campaigner for disability rights in the past too and fundraised for many years and also been a learner support assistant as well for adults with learning disabilities. I have supported organisations such as Greenpeace internationally, but recently got involved with more locally targeted groups as well which are close to my community.
In the short time I’ve been a member and campaigning on behalf of the Green Party I’ve also been active with Green Party co-leader Adrian Ramsey’s campaign to be elected as the first Green Party MP for North Suffolk.

James Killbery – Data Coordinator, Data Protection Officer & Website Editor

Theresa Munson – Membership Officer & Data Protection Officer
I moved to this part of Suffolk with my parents when I was 12 and it is the place I’m happy to call home. In the half century I’ve lived here much has changed: hedges have gone but are slowly making a return, orchards have been ripped out and sadly not replaced, villages have lost their shops and pubs, public transport has been reduced to pitiful levels of service, and young people who were born here have to pay sky high prices for housing, with insufficient social housing to match the low wages paid.
I joined the Green Party after the IPCC report was published in 2018, as I worried about the future of our planet and how that will affect my children’s and grandchildren’s lives. With Suffolk being one of the driest counties in the country, we need to be working to mitigate the worst effects of climate change. Protecting our global environment and social justice are inextricably linked – this is the only political party wholly committed to championing both, as well as having PR on their agenda.