A four-point motion which is aimed at helping to protect wildlife and biodiversity in the area, was approved at Babergh’s full council meeting. The measures will include developing a map to identify and create wildlife corridors and promote eco-tourism, while establishing new wildflower verges and a community led tree planting scheme.
Amendments by Babergh Greens to provide additional biodiversity resources to support these measures were also approved. Councillor Robert Lindsay (Babergh Green Group Leader) said: “We amended this motion because we wanted to ensure that planning officers and councillors on the task group get good scientific advice on the best way to manage grassland and verges for wildlife. “We also want to ensure wildlife habitats are not just protected but created by new developments.
“Simple, cheap measures like swift bricks and hedgehog gaps in fences are often forgotten in planning conditions. The impact of pesticides and herbicides on wildlife also needs to be seriously considered.”
The motion, as amended, is a near exact copy of a motion approved by Mid Suffolk Council. The amount to be spent will be recommended by a cross party task force of councillors which is due to be set up to also recommend measures to bring the council to zero carbon emissions by 2030. It is due to report to cabinet in March 2020 but as off 8th October 2019 a date for its first meeting had yet to be set.