The Green Party is now the largest party on Babergh District council, with 10 councillors

The Green Party is now the largest party on Babergh District council, with 10 councillors.

After the recent May elections we now have the following councillors:

Jane Carruthers : Hadleigh South

Jessie Carter: Sudbury North West

Sallie Davies: East Bergholt

Simon Dowling: Hadleigh North

Ruth Hendry: Great Cornard

Leigh Jamieson: South East Cosford

Daniel Potter: Orwell

Tim Regester: Sudbury North West

Deborah Saw: North West Cosford

Laura Smith: Sudbury South West


In addition our County Councillors are

Simon Harley: Peninsula

Robert Lindsay: Cosford

Jessie Carter: Sudbury


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