
We rely on your donations to get greens elected. If you’re able to, please consider making a monthly donation to Babergh Green Party

The Green Party is opposed to funding from big business and receives no public funding. Membership subscriptions are split between national, regional and local party funds, meaning we only get a small proportion. Our councillors are already making a difference, will you help us make Babergh Greener by donating today?

You can also transfer money to our Co-operative Bank account – sort code: 08-92-99 and account number: 65683608.

Or send a cheque to: Babergh Green Party, c/o Hawthorns, Catts Close, Stutton, Ipswich, IP9 2SP. Unlike other party’s, we campaign and stand up for communities all year round, not just in the lead up to elections. 100% of your donation will be spent on campaigns that will get Greens elected in Babergh.

Here are some examples of the costs we have to cover:
• £1000 covers all election literature (newsletters, leaflets) for one candidate
• £125 covers one leaflet, for one candidate
• £50 covers 200 posters for windows and poster-boards

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